Membership Development and Maintenance Services

IAMI's customer service is superior. We are adept at defining and implementing programs targeted toward membership recruitment and membership retention activities. IAMI has well-developed strategies for instituting additional member programs and benefits, along with reinforcing existing ones. In addition, the IAMI team concentrates on providing support to committees, chapters and student member development activities:

Maintain an accurate database of members with current information.

Process membership applications/renewals; post new applications and renewals.

Prepare and mail annual dues renewal notices and follow-up notices to active members.

Create a variety of opportunities for member contribution to association activities and advancement (e.g., volunteer opportunities, committee participation, leadership roles).

Develop communication strategies to keep members engaged and informed.

Plan and implement membership recruitment and retention program.

Consider the implications and feasibility of expanding association membership beyond current national borders, including the development of international partnerships, alliances, and relationships.

Prepare and mail membership recruitment packages to prospective members.

Provide periodic membership reports as required by the Board of Directors.

Produce and distribute annual membership handbook/directory.

Conduct member surveys and provide analysis as requested by the Board of Directors. top